How to complete the Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders Refresher (SCPLH/R)
In Scotland, personal licence holders must complete refresher training every five years to refresh their knowledge of the licencing regime. They must also send their training certificate to the Licensing Board which issued their personal licence.
They must also apply to renew their personal licence every ten years and complete the renewal application no later than three months before the expiry date of their licence. The Scottish government has recommended that personal licence holders complete and submit their refresher training certificate as part of their renewal application.
The Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders Refresher qualification is the recognised way of adhering to these requirements.
To complete the refresher course, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Book onto the SCPLH R e-learning course delivered by CPL Training which covers the most important aspects of licensing law and regulation and helps prepare for the final exam.
Once a booking has been made the learner will receive a confirmation letter detailing how to log in and complete the e-learning course.
Step 2: Once you have completed the e-learning course, you can then complete the SCPLH Refresher examination via a web portal which will be recorded via a web camera. Learners will be provided will all necessary information about how to complete the e-assessment.
To complete the e-assessment delegates will be required to log into the digital invigilation platform using their unique credentials. The learner will be required to comply with exam conditions using their smartphone and webcam. Setup takes just 5 minutes and support is available in getting set up.
What you’ll need
- Isolated area where you won’t be interrupted
- Computer
- Webcam
- Smartphone
- Identification
Other Course Options
CPL Training are known for their first-rate service in helping you refresh your personal licence training in Scotland. As well as our popular online service, we can also help you access face-to-face SCPLH Refresher training and examination.
For more information about organising face-to-face training or training for multiple learners in a face-to-face setting, please complete our contact form and a member of the team will get in touch with you.