In the spirit of learning
Wednesday, 18 June 2014

CPL Online has developed an innovative bespoke e-learning career development programme for Spirit Pub Company.
A new approach to career development, the 'Career Pathway', based on Spirit Pub Company's award-winning Training Tree learning and development programme, allows users to proactively develop their own role, working their way across relevant routes and pathways. A combination of e-learning, film and games, delegates visit and complete task-based branches with the ultimate goal of achieving compliancy within a specific area of learning.
Spirit Pub Company operate an estate of over 1,200 pubs nationwide and are committed to developing new and innovative ways of supporting staff in their professional development.
David Dasher, CPL Online's Managing Director, has worked closely with the Spirit team throughout the eight month development programme. David said: "It's always great to be presented with a fresh challenge that means a new way of working for our own internal team. Spirit wanted to take the e-learning concept a stage further and apply that to their internal career pathway development programme and it’s worked incredibly well!"
"Individuals are able to pursue their ambitions online and demonstrate their abilities and willingness to learn through this bespoke console. This has been a major programme and a first for us - it's great to see it now in place and rolled out to over 13,000 of Spirit's staff across the UK.”
The Training Tree design is visually bold, bright and engaging, yet is functional, forming part of the programme's interactive menu. Staff can access their appraisals, e-learning courses, company policies and more from the Career Pathway, enabling people to not only carry out mandatory training, but to understand and manage their own progression within Spirit. Over thirty bespoke online training modules have also been created for Spirit that aid employees in their induction to the pubco.
Spirit brands include Chef & Brewer Pub Co, Fayre & Square, John Barras Pub Co, Flaming Grill Pubs, Good Night Inns, Taylor Walker and the Wacky Warehouse. Mark Peters, Head of Learning and Development at Spirit Pub Company said: "Our ambition is to be the No.1 Hospitality Company in the UK. A business is little without its people and we are committed to employing a team that want to stay with us, develop professionally and pursue their ambitions with us. This new console based learning will ultimately help us achieve that."