Let the Mo growing begin!
Thursday, 01 November 2012

CPL Training and CPL Online are proud to support Movember. James, CPL Training’s Graphic Designer is taking part in his third consecutive year, whereas a group of CPL Online, including David Dasher himself, have created their own team in support of a fantastic cause.
To show our support for the lads and the Movember cause we will be documenting their Mo growth on a daily basis, uploading all photos to our Facebook and Mo pages so please check their progress and of course donate to either James’ Movember page or to the lads at CPL Online, if you can.
However, when Movember was first mentioned in a staff meeting it met with a few raised eyebrows – what is it? Why does it involve moustaches? And so on. So, here’s a quick history for you...
Movember started off, in 2003, as a moustache-growing competition between friends Luke Slattery and Travis Garone. The two Australians and some of their friends ditched their razors for one month to see who could grow the best tash. Due to the popularity of the competition Luke and Travis decided it was a great way to raise money and awareness of men’s health issues which, unlike women’s health issues, were not given a lot of press.
In 2004 the Movember Foundation was established, co-founded by Luke Slattery, Travis Garone, Adam Garone and Justin Coghlan. It is a not for profit organisation which has grown into a global movement with official campaigns running in the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Finland, New Zealand and South Africa. In its first year the Foundation raised $55,000 and continues to raise both money and awareness for men’s health organisations including Prostate Cancer charities.
So, back to the lads and their moustache-growing teams; the Mo Fathers and Team Flavour Saver.
James and his friends, the Mo Fathers, who are taking part in their third year, were shocked by some of the facts and figures about Prostate Cancer and Cancer in general so decided to take part:
“I hadn’t really heard anything about Prostate Cancer before and was shocked, after looking at the Movember UK website, to find out how many people it affected. Getting involved was an easy decision to make.
“The Movember Foundation is a great cause and growing a moustache or beard with your friends is a really easy and fun way to help!”
The lads from CPL Online, Team Flavour Saver, agree and, thanks to James, have set up their own donation page and are hoping to help raise a lot of money and awareness for men’s health in their first Movember year.
You can donate to either James or the CPL Online lads by visiting their pages. As a thank you to everyone who donates we will be providing regular updates, of the photographic kind, to show you how the Mo growing is coming along – please feel free to comment and get involved!
Join us on Facebook and Twitter @cpltraining and @cplelearning
Ready? Then Let’s Mo!