The Chef Chip Shop
Monday, 17 December 2012

Junda Jiang, the owner at The Chef Chip Shop in Wallasey completed the CPL Training Food Safety course in July 2010. When deciding to train the latest employees at the restaurant - Liyi Jiang and Jie Lan Zhou - Junda immediately thought of going back to CPL Training to get them competent in the kitchen.
Junda enrolled the two staff in the RSPH Level 2 Award in Food Safety. The course is aimed at anyone whose job role includes cooking, preparing, or serving food and gives food workers knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of good practice in food safety. The course is also accordant with the national occupational standards and is recognised by the awarding body Education Development International (EDI).
A trainer from CPL Training came to The Chef Chip Shop in early 2012 to train Liyi and Jie and spent the day educating the pair on food poisoning and how to prevent it, cross-contamination, the food premises statutory requirements, food pests, and how to document their food management system, all in the comfort of their own workspace.
Junda, Liyi, and Jie are now all compliant in the field of food safety, and when visited by environmental food officers in early 2012 they showed their proficiency in maintaining a clean and organised kitchen with great adjure; which is why the Wirral Council awarded The Chef Chip Shop with a hygiene rating of five stars in April 2012! Since gaining the award the restaurant has never been so busy or as highly commended by their numerous, regular customers.
To find out how your business can benefit from CPL Training’s courses call us on: 0151-650-6910 today!