New Tidings We Bring!
Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas to you all from CPL Training! We hope you all have your gifts wrapped and under the tree, ready for tomorrow morning…
This year we have seen a lot of positives happening within the company. We have now branded and housed the four separate companies - CPL Training, CPL Learning, CPLe-learning and CPL Online - under the name of the CPL Training Group, knitting the divisions together as an entity. The CPL Training Group website is currently being discussed and we are expecting it to be up and running in 2013.
The CPL Training Group has also been implementing a new, interactive Intranet system for next year. It will act as a Human Resource management tool that will help the HR department effectively manage all their procedures; furthermore the system will include an online Induction Course too.
In other HR related news, we unfortunately lost former HR Director Christine Henney, who started her own HR consultancy firm earlier this year, but are pleased to announce that her new venture is doing well. We are also happy to introduce our new Group HR Manager, Lisa Graham, who is really pushing the new Intranet system, and wish her all the best in her new role with us. Peter Spivack, a former Food Safety trainer of ours, has now joined us as Head of CPL Learning. Peter has a strong background in Apprenticeships and work-based learning and is proving to be a great asset to the department and the CPL Training Group.
The new clients we have worked with in 2012 include Genting, who are one of the UKs largest casino operators; Robinsons, the brewers of excellent craft ales and St Austell Brewery, Cornwall’s Award winning independent family brewers, who we have helped to effectively manage their training by providing in-company, tailored courses, developing new e-learning courses and offering online services and products.
It is a very exciting time for our sister company, CPL Online, as well as it is expanding its staff, clients and premises in 2013 and will also be launching their new website in January. They have a lot to celebrate this New Year, so congratulations to everyone over in Bridge Court!
Everyone in the CPL Training Group is anticipating all the exciting events that are going to happen next year, but for the next week we hope everyone has as a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.