CPL Christmas Party Awards
Wednesday, 06 November 2013

The Christmas Party is fast approaching and both Mel and Sarahmarie are currently busy organising the event to ensure all who attend have a fabulous evening! The invitations will be circulated to all over the next few weeks, giving you all of the details you will need to know.
Following CPL tradition, during our Christmas Party on Friday 20th December, the directors will be presenting a selection of employees with awards to celebrate outstanding achievements throughout the year.
However this year, in line with our Heaven & Hell themed Party, we have devised an 'X-Factor' style twist also introducing a new Alternative Awards category. All employees are invited to nominate their colleagues and Directors for as many categories as they wish by no later than Friday 29th November 2013.
Sealed nomination boxes are located in each building so that staff can anonymously submit their nominations. One will be situated by the coffee machine in CPL Training and the other is located in the staff room in CPL Online.
Awards Categories are as follows below;
1. Diva of the Year - Think red carpet glamour and Hollywood-style tantrums!
2. Iron Man / Woman Award - Driven by their competitive nature to win at all costs!
3. Funniest moment of the Year - An award for the craziest, funniest or silliest moment!
4. The Dapper Chap Award - A compliment to the guy who looks incredibly smart, sexy and stylish!
5. Most Glamorous Female Award - Charming, beautiful and smart - This lady has it all!
6. The 'Bleep' Award - An expressive person who hasn't quite learnt how to mind their P's & Q's!
7. The Megaphone Award - Ear defenders at the ready when this person is around!
8. The Smile Award - An individual who brings a ray of sunshine to everyone's day with their infectious smile, no matter what the weather.
9. The Good Samaritan Award - The one person who you can always call upon for sound advice.
10. 'Cool in the Gang' Award - Think of the 'coolest kid in school', everyone wants to be in their gang!
11. The Coolest Geek Award - An eccentric and enthusiastic individual who lives and breathes Geek Chic!
The nominations will be drawn up by the HR Department - ready for the big night. Nomination sheets have been emailed to you.
May we remind to you to keep all of your nominations light-hearted and in a friendly manner. You are also only allowed to submit one nomination form per employee and please try not to nominate yourself for an award!