CPL takes its turn in the driving seat for Britain's Biggest Pub Tour
Friday, 25 July 2014

It might not be Formula One but it's affectionately known as 'Blue Thunder' and certainly draws the eye!
No not, a supercar, a jet or even 007's Aston Martin. 'Blue Thunder', is actually the CPL Training Car and last weekend it carried out a very important mission. Together with two special CPL agents, Elle Emmanuel and Gui Chipchase, it took part in Britain’s Biggest Pub Tour (BBPT), transporting a giant Pledge Passport from Yates’s in Lancaster, 178 miles to First Edition on Bank Street in Kilmarnock.
Britain's Biggest Pub Tour is currently taking place across the UK in aid of Variety, the Children's Charity. Organised by Stonegate Pub Company, a client of CPL’s, it’s the largest pub tour ever attempted in the UK by a national pub operator and encompasses each of Stonegate's 620 pubs and bars visiting towns and cities as far flung as Isle of Wight to Aberdeen.
Keen to get involved in BBPT, CPL Training Group, the UK's leading training provider for the hospitality industry, volunteered to take part in a leg of the tour transporting the BBPT Passport on Saturday 12th July. Leaving Lancaster at 1pm, Blue Thunder and his team reached Kilmarnock at 5.50pm to a rapturous reception.
"Blue Thunder is not exactly speedy but he certainly turned a few heads when we arrived in Kilmarnock, especially with the passport inside nearly as big as the car itself! It’s been fantastic to have been involved with Britain’s Biggest Pub Tour. The teams and their customers at each of the pubs were hugely enthusiastic and there is a real buzz of excitement about the challenge", said Elle.
Whilst in Kilmarnock Elle and Gui took the opportunity to hand deliver the Personal Licence to First Edition’s General Manager who carried out his training via CPL Training. His name? William Wallace, of course!
CEO of CPL Training Daniel Davies commented, "Stonegate never does things by halves and this charity challenge is no different. It's hugely ambitious but the enthusiasm of the whole company and all its 12,000 employees shines through. Congratulations to Stonegate for smashing its own £100,000 target and being well on the way to doubling it."
Lee Woolley, Head of Learning and Development at Stonegate Pub Company and committee member for BBPT challenge said, "Thanks to CPL Training Group for stepping up and getting involved. They are never fazed when we ask them to do something a bit off the wall and this is certainly one of them!"