Alcohol and health policy expert to deliver talk about new guidelines to the British Guild of Beer Writers
Monday, 09 May 2016

Paul Chase, a leading commentator on alcohol and health policy, is delivering a talk to The British Guild of Beer Writers – titled ‘The Chief Medical Officer’s New Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines – Evidence-Based Policy, or Policy-Based Evidence?’
The Cock & Lion Pub (Wigmore Street, London) has been announced as the venue for this talk, which will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday 11th May – admission is free of charge.
Chase, who is a director at CPL Training – the leading provider of Personal Licence training, will discuss the new guidelines for low-risk drinking – introduced in January this year by England’s Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies.
It is the first time the UK’s sensible drinking message has been revised since 1995. The draconian new advice, which concluded that there is “no safe limit for alcohol consumption,” has been widely questioned in the media. As a leading expert and the author of “Culture Wars and Moral Panic, the story of alcohol and society”, Paul will provide a critique of the evidence presented to support the new guidelines. He will examine how the many studies showing significant health benefits from moderate alcohol consumption have been ignored in the publishing advice – representing an anti-alcohol public health agenda instead of the peer-reviewed scientific research.
Please contact Angie Armitage at Cask Marque to apply for tickets: